I Am Spirit - 10 weeks

Image for I Am Spirit - 10 weeks


This program will help you: * Understand how the Yin & Yang of your nervous system works & how generational trauma can alter that. * Explore a new way of relating & working with your body & mind. * Learn to safely reconnect with your body & sense the answers that lie there. * Explore the different Yin & Yang states of your nervous system with a trauma i nformed lens. * Understand how to use different states to help your body process old stuck energy. * Grow the capacity and resources of your. systems to reduce high levels of stress or chronic immobilization. * Increase access to all parts of you systems. * Give you the knowledge & skills needed to Interject in the space between autonomic neuroception and thoughts, feelings and. behavioe and begin to shift both ends. * Build up your foundations and gently start to process some of the old energy that may be stored in your tissue. * Try different methods and modalities to better understand what helps YOUR system rebalance after stressful situations. And of course you will have the added support and nervous system regulation abilities of weekly acupuncture treatments to help you reach your goals. There will be an opportunity to stay connected to our little group of explorers during the week if you choose. If you have felt constantly exhausted, irritable, stuck, disconnected from your body, or just tired of the war that might going on between your body, mind and spirit this program is for you. This is an interactive program that will educate using all your senses. All supplies will be provided, with the exception of pillow(s) and blanket that you are encourage to bring.
